Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Repenting for Our Sins

I know ravage wildfires are all part of living here, but I still get freaked out/fascinated by them. Since 1pm yesterday (which was 20 hours ago), there has been a massive fire burning in Griffith Park, which is pretty much the Hollywood Hills. If you saw Rebel Without a Cause, the Observatory is right there, along with the LA Zoo, awesome hiking trails, golf courses, and a lot of really cool outdoorsy stuff. Basically, it's one of the best things about LA. Since yesterday afternoon, I've been hearing helicopters overhead and firetrucks racing down the street. I don't live that close to the park, like 5 miles away, but it's scary, people were being evacuated from their houses, and you can see smoke in the sky and smell the fire everywhere you go.

So yeah, it's just pretty nuts to be so close to something like this, and of course everyone who lives here makes the joke "ohh, Hollywood's gonna burn for all of it's sins" (or collapse when the Big Earthquake finally comes), but it's kinda, true, the whole thing is pretty biblical.

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