Tuesday, July 17, 2007

marc jacobs shop employees- they're just like us!!

ok girls, be prepared to have your collective minds blown!
i was in the marc jacobs shop on bleecker the other day having a browse at ovepriced, overhyped clothing, totally in a daze..when all of a sudden i heard something familiar coming from the overhead speakers...
i looked up to witness the 3 manorexic, holier than thou store employees FINGER POINTING and singing along to kid dynamite!
i started singing along to myself.. [i can't believe i remember the words after all this time! i have to go search secondhand bins at record shops for the cd since mine is in a basement on long island somewhere]..anyway where was i? oh yeah..at what point do you think these guys decided to trade in their texas is the reason tshirts for mj sports coats?
anyway it was fun watching the rich old ladies look confused and crinkle their noses at the 'racket' that ensued. it really helped clear the snobbery from the place..more high end designers should look into hiring ex punk kids to work for them!

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