Thursday, November 1, 2007

things i wish i had said to clinton from what not to wear but didn't because i acted too cool for school


-adam goldberg. at my coffee cart. every day.

-anna sui at film forum. october 30.

-clinton kelly from what not to wear. today.

so i have an unspoken agreement with myself that whenever i see celebs or ["celebs" ex. anyone from a reality show, anyone in a band] i completely ignore them.
[case in point: bjork, uncle karl lagerfeld himself]

today when i saw clinton from what not to wear i walked on by but now im kicking myself...mainly because i have some prevailing unanswered questions that i believe mr. argyle sweater would be able to sort out for me. mainly:

1. what is clinton and stacy's collective opinion on vintage/secondhand? they always seem to show disgust towards anything that isn't a total 'classic' wardrobe staple. going by their theories, none of us would be considered 'stylish' even though our demographic is what provides inspiration for many designers these days [the proper term is 'trickle up fashion']. so theoretically, if stacy and clinton were to come to bedford avenue on a saturday, they would be appalled, right?
also, it is a proven fact that these two despise 'mom jeans.' what would they say when they explore popular fashion trends of the moment and discover that high waisted jeans are all the rage?? this is important. i need to know.

2. ok this doesn't directly relate to clinton, but why does nick arrojo [the haircutter guy] always give the worst soccer mom coifs?

3. what happens after the first round when the makeover subject goes shopping on her own and inevitably buys all the wrong shit [ie miniskirts when they're supposed to be looking for a-line knee length ones]? they only have a limit of $5,000 so if they spend $3,000 on the first day, and only half of the clothes are good, do they have to return the rest? help!

4. this one is for megan:
what brand is that weird airbrush on make up that carmindy uses? and where can we buy it?

ok clinton, im after you now.
you must live near here, right?
help me solve these mysteries!


quirkyalone said...
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quirkyalone said...

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quirkyalone said...
okay, here's my two cents...sense?? i think cents:
1. yes, i do think they would be appalled if they were to find themselves on bedford on a saturday. however, i DO think stacy is probably a fan of high waisted jeans and probably has a few pairs. she's really fashionable and she probably caught onto the trend and went with it.
now that i'm thinking about it though, there have been a few episodes where there were like more "alternative" looking women and they kinda kept their style going. like, there was a younger girl who had crazy hair and they just toned it down kinda and had her shop at bbw and shit. there was also one who they had go to like trash and vaudeville and dress kinda rockabilly sooo, i dunno?

i bet you can find the brand of that airbrush shit on their website!

also, i bet he lives in dan and jay's hood

ps - didn't you see michael pitt once too??

myfavouritenoun said...

wait did they really take someone to bbw?!!? thats amazing!

i heard that clinton lives in chelsea but im not sure..i saw him in passing a few months ago around here also!

haha yeah i saw michael pitt [babe] but i just listed the most recent spottings..aside from uncle karl he will always be my #1.