Tuesday, October 16, 2007


i notice that whenever I'm in a thrift store, all ambitious and ready to find awesome shit, i always look around for other hipsterish girls to see what my competition is. then when i find cool things, i feel all victorious about it. this happened yesterday.


myfavouritenoun said...

omggg once megan and i think katie deacon and i were in island thrift and there were these two girls there that were total competitive thrifters..they were like rushing through the aisles to try and get the best stuff..it totally killed our budget shopping buzz.

quirkyalone said...

i was just about to post that story!! it was soo annoying cause they were just piling anything mildly cute into their cart, probably for their ebay store or some shit. but at one point, we were like racing them to the dresses. WHAT BETCHES!