Tuesday, May 29, 2007

so sheela just pointed out to me that "john:316" is printed on the bottom of the yellow forever 21 bags. upon further investigation, i found that this is in fact, completely true.

Img 0807-1

apparently this bible verse is:
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

i have no idea what that means because i'm pretty sure nothing in the bible means anything but WHAT THE FUCK!! WHY? i think it might mean that if i don't believe in jesus, i'm going to hell (big surprise) or something, right? like, correct me if i'm wrong but WHAT??!

i did some google searching and apparently in-n-out burger has been using this subtle form of evangelizing for years. this is so completely creepy and disgusting to me.

1 comment:

myfavouritenoun said...

they obviously didn't see the section in the bible about stealing and how it's wrong!!! since NOTHING in that shop is original and all they do is steal EXACT designs from h&m, topshop, and urban outfitters!!